10th Wedding Anniversary

If nothing else, Eileen and I celebrated our 10th wedding university in a unique manner. Now you may refute this assertion claiming that there are 8.1 billion people in the world and statistically speaking, it is hard to be unique but there we were with unique experiences for a couple celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Let me set the stage.

Eileen and I decided to take our second cruise of our life with Royal Caribbean. I suspect my mom flew into New York to watch Curtis and Greg like great grandmothers do. Eileen and I flew to Miami and boarded the cruise ship with a couple of thousand of other guests and some of whom were also celebrating their wedding anniversary. We were assigned a dinning time and the couple that would share our table for the entire cruise. This is where things get unique.

The couple that joined us were about ten years younger than us. Both were extremely attractive and worked as models occasionally. The husband worked as an English teacher. Both were devout in their faith and had just completed a year as missionaries for their Christian religion. We asked them where they served as missionaries and they sincerely shared the Waffle House in Athens, Georgia.

Nonplussed, we asked how does one go about being a religious missionary in a Waffle House. They described in great detail and enthusiasm their work and recruitment efforts at Waffle House for a year. With this surprisingly start, we proved a perfect conversational match. The conversations were energetic, lively, and filled with joy and laughter. Other surrounding tables joined in nightly. Several times, when guests were asked what they were having for dinner, other tables responded, “I will have what they are having” reminiscent of a scene from when Harry Met Sally.

The worldwide web was young and few had an email address at that time. We tried to stay in touch but lost our connection with our young, beautiful, enthusiastic Waffle House missionaries. Perhaps if we ate at Waffle House more, we might reconnect.

Now I dare you to describe as anything but unique, in all the world, the intersection between Waffle House missionaries, a couple celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary, and the repeated innovation of THE quote from when Harry meets Sally on women faking orgasms by strangers.